Reading & writing data

Reading data

The beginning step of most projects when using pandas is reading a file and storing it. The primary function we use is read_csv, which reads in .csv files and outputs a DataFrame. Understanding a DataFrame isn’t vital for this tutorial, just that read_csv outputs one.

As with any package, we must import pandas, and the customary import statement is import pandas as pd. Let’s use read_csv to save the file "grades.csv" into the variable myDF:

import pandas as pd

myDF = pd.read_csv("grades.csv")

Cool! That was a lot of words to describe a very simple line of code. We can use the head function call to get a view of our myDF data.

   grade       year
0    100     junior
1     99  sophomore
2     75  sophomore
3     74  sophomore
4     44     senior

read_csv is not the only way to create a DataFrame — recall that the function name is tied to the file type.

".feather" and ".parquet" are two file types that make the storing and reading of DataFrames much more efficient, and can be read with read_feather and read_parquet, respectively.

read_csv Useful Parameters

Our function only needs a valid filename to operate, but it has dozens of optional parameters that change what it does.

sep is short for separator — "csv" is an acronym for comma-separated values, and if you look at the raw text for a .csv file, you’ll find all the values are indeed separated by commas. If your data entries are separated by tabs or semicolons, you’ll have to clarify sep="\t" or sep=";" for your DataFrame to be correct.

names/header are complementary parameters that assign names to the columns of your DataFrame. If names is empty, then header takes the first row of the data as the column names; otherwise, names takes a list of unique values to use as the column names.

nrows will select however many rows of data you want. The default is reading the whole file, but some datasets are so huge, limiting your data intake might be necessary.

dtype can be supplied with a dictionary of column-name:desired-data-type key/value pairs to replace read_csv default assignments for a column’s type.


How do I read a .csv file called grades_semi.csv into a pandas DataFrame, where grades_semi.csv is semi-colon-separated instead of comma-separated?

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import pandas as pd

myDF = pd.read_csv("./grades_semi.csv", sep=";")
   grade       year
0    100     junior
1     99  sophomore
2     75  sophomore
3     74  sophomore
4     44     senior

Read in "grades.csv" and change the data types of year to string and grade to float64 in one line.

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First we’ll read in "grades.csv" without any alterations and look at the column types.

import pandas as pd

grades = pd.read_csv("grades.csv")
grade     int64
year     object
dtype: object

   grade       year
0    100     junior
1     99  sophomore
2     75  sophomore
3     74  sophomore
4     44     senior

Obviously, integer grades aren’t helpful or realistic, and we want our year values to be more intuitive. We’ll accomplish the prompt using the dtype parameter.

grades_better = pd.read_csv("grades.csv", dtype={"year": "string", "grade": "float64"})
   grade       year
0  100.0     junior
1   99.0  sophomore
2   75.0  sophomore
3   74.0  sophomore
4   44.0     senior

Perfect, now our desired data manipulations will work properly on these columns.

Writing Data

You will likely encounter situations while working with pandas where you must alter your data (clean, filter, cut, or so on) and then replace your file or output a new one. To accomplish this, to_csv is your best option.

Many of the parameters are shared between reading and writing functions, meaning that mastering one will give you an advantage for learning the other. Similar to the reading functions, the writing functions have counterparts for creating Excel, feather, parquet, and other file types if .csv isn’t what you want.


In "grades.csv", make the values in year uppercase, then save your file as "fixed_grades.csv" in your current directory.

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Check this website for this (and other) methods of column conversion.

In case you’re unfamiliar with directories, starting with the "." symbol allows you to access your current directory.

import pandas as pd

grades = pd.read_csv("grades.csv")
grades.year = grades.year.str.upper()
   grade       year
0    100     JUNIOR
1     99  SOPHOMORE
2     75  SOPHOMORE
3     74  SOPHOMORE
4     44     SENIOR

Nice! Now if we create a DataFrame from "fixed_grades.csv", we’ll get the output shown above.