Questions? Need help?

Check The Examples Book

Start by reviewing The Examples Book. It has lots of resources to get you started including:

  • Syllabus

  • Course schedule with due dates

  • Where do I start?

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page

Ask your Corporate Partner TA

Your Corporate Partner TA is the first person you should ask in most cases. They are your go-to resource for questions specific to your project/team.

A list of Corporate Partner TAs and emails for Spring 2024 are available in the syllabus here.

Topics include:

  • Assignments

  • What to work on

  • Project specific questions

  • Absences

Ask The Data Mine Staff

The Data Mine staff are always here to help! We are onsite in the Convergence Center located at 101 Foundry Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Stop by the front desk on your way in and they will direct you.

Send us an email (it will create a ticket for help) at for questions related to:

Ask your Corporate Partner Mentor

Check with your CRP TA or Data Mine staff first. The best time to ask Mentors questions is during the weekly 50-minute team call.

Seminar Help - TDM 102, 202, 302, 402, 502 (1 credit)

  • Check out the course page and syllabus for Seminar

  • TA office hours

  • Piazza

    • This is the fastest way to get help for seminar because many TAs and staff are checking this reguarly. The average response time last year was 9 minutes.

    • Do NOT post any questions related to Corporate Partner projects on Piazza. Most Corporate Partner projects are restricted by NDA.

  • Monday seminars at 8:30 AM, 9:30 AM, or 10:30 AM in Hillenbrand Dining Court Atrium, or 4:30 PM online.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Corporate Partners

  • Where is the syllabus?

  • How do I get started on my Corporate Partners project?

  • Where do I go for class?

    • The meeting locations are listed on your course registration. You will receive a calendar invite for the synchronous online meeting before the first day of class. See the Logistics section of the Syllabus for more details including a map.

  • How do I access my new MS Team email group?

    • Navigate to the MS Teams page to learn how to login and view past emails in your MS Team email group.

  • I just switched my registration and don’t have access to my new MS Team.

    • Our systems update every night at midnight, so please wait until the next day after you update your registration to be added to the new MS Team. If you switch your registration the same day as the first meeting, you can email us ( for the meeting link. Otherwise, please wait 24 hours before contacting us.

  • When are assignments due?

    • Everything you need to submit is listed in the Course Schedule. Check out the corresponding sprint pages for details.

  • Are there exams in Corporate Partners?

    • Besides the open note syllabus quiz and agile training quiz at the beginning of the semester, there are no exams. There is not a final exam either; instead, students collaborate with their team on a final presentation.

  • How do I know who my TA is?

Technical Resources

  • The research computing cluster isn’t working. How do I get help?


  • Q: I didn’t understand Dr. Ward’s lesson today. Where can I get more help?

    • A: Ask your seminar TA’s. If you need more help submit a question to Dr. Ward in Piazza.

General Questions from Students

  • Q: Are there any overlapping concepts between TDM 111 and TDM 101?

    • A: TDM 101 exists to equip students with foundational data science concepts and technical skills needed to contribute to TDM 111 projects. The utilization of TDM 101 concepts in TDM 111 will vary from project to project. It is possible for some TDM 111 projects to utilize concepts not covered in TDM 101.

  • Q: Can my experience in The Data Mine lead to an internship with Corporate Partners?

    • A: Yes. There have been instances where TDM students have received internships through connections with Corporate Partners. Students are encourage to reach out to their Corporate Partner Mentor about possible internship opportunities.

  • Q: What future Corporate Partners are TDM looking to bring in?

    • A: TDM is always continuing to pursue partnerships with companies from multiple sectors of industry.